Up: Intestinal Obstructions
Previous: Bibliography
- 0.9% Saline
- What is the fluid
- Abdominal Distension
- F's
- Differential of abdominal distension
- Abdominal Pain
- Referred
- Referred Pain
- Somatic
- Somatic Pain
- Types
- The three pains
- Visceral
- Visceral Pain
- Acute Intestinal Obstruction
- Definition
- Adhesion
- Band
- Open loop obstruction
- Adhesion Obstruction
- Management
- Small Intestine
- Gastrografin
- Small Intestine
- Adhesions
- Abdominal and Pelvic pain
- Outside
- Difficult redo surgery
- Outside
- Due to
- Congenital
- Outside
- Inflammation
- Outside
- Surgery
- Outside
- Female infertility
- Outside
- Increased risk of ectopic pregnancy
- Outside
- Small bowel obstruction
- Outside
- Alleric to Penicillin
- Past history
- Anaphylaxis
- Treatment
- Past history
- Aneurysm
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Aortic Dissection
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Appendicitis
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Cause of Adhesions
- Open loop obstruction
- Pain
- Example of Appendicitis
- Augmentin
- Composition
- Past history
- Band Adhesion
- Open loop obstruction
- Beezoar
- Lumen
- Phyto-Beezoar
- Lumen
- Tricho-Beezoar
- Lumen
- Bilio-enteric fistula
- Lumen
- Body Water
- What is the fluid
- Caecal dilatation
- Closed loop obstruction
- Caecal perforation
- Closed loop obstruction
- Cardinal Symptoms of Intestinal Obstruction
- Presenting Complaint
- Cephalosporin
- In patients allergic to Penicillin
- Past history
- Chaga's disease
- Differential of constipation
- Chest X-Ray
- Erect for free gas under the diaphragm
- Free gas?
- Cholecystitis
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Chronic Intestinal Obstruction
- Definition
- Clinical Algorithm
- Clinical Algorithm
- Clinical Examination
- Examination
- Closed loop
- Closed loop obstruction
| Open and Closed loops
- Closed Loop Obstruction
- Importance
- Closed loop obstruction
- Complicated Obstruction
- Simple and Complicated
- Complicated Ovarian cyst
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Constipation
- Cause
- Drugs
- Differential of constipation
- Contrast Enema
- Differentiate between mechanical and pseudo-obstruction
- Contrast enema
- Decompression of Gas
- Where does the gas
- Definition
- Volvulus
- Small Intestine
- Diabetes
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Differential Diagnosis
- Differential Diagnosis
- Abdominal distension
- Differential of abdominal distension
- Fat
- Differential of abdominal distension
- Fetus
- Differential of abdominal distension
- Flatus
- Differential of abdominal distension
- Fluid
- Differential of abdominal distension
- Friggen great mass
- Differential of abdominal distension
- Abdominal pain
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Constipation
- Differential of constipation
- Obstruction from Non-obstruction
- Differentiate between obstruction and
- Vomiting
- Differential of vomiting
- Differential Diagnosis in case of Previous Surgery
- Past history
- Diverticulum
- Jejeunal
- Lumen
- Drug Allergy
- Past history
- Esophagoscopy
- Rigid or Flexible?
- Lumen
- Esophagus
- Foreign Body
- Lumen
- Narrowings
- Lumen
- Estimating fluid deficit
- What is the fluid
- Extra cellular fluid compartment
- Where does the fluid
- F's
- Abdominal Distension
- Differential of abdominal distension
- Femoral Hernia
- Missed
- Small Intestine
- Femoralernia
- Obstruction
- Small Intestine
- Fluid
- Decompression
- Where does the fluid
- Fluids
- Hartmann's
- What is the fluid
- Pulmonary Oedema
- What is the fluid
- Renal Failure
- What is the fluid
- Saline
- What is the fluid
- Fore-gut
- The fore-gut
- Pain Location
- The fore-gut
- Foregut
- Arterial supply
- The fore-gut
- Gallstone Ileus
- Lumen
- Appearance on Plain Radiology
- Lumen
- Gastrografin
- Differentiate parital from complete obstruction
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Enema
- Contrast enema
- Oral to differentiate partial from complete obstruction
- Small Intestine
- Hartmann
- The fluid
- Where does the fluid
- The paediatrician
- Where does the fluid
- Hartmann's Solution
- What is the fluid
- Hernia
- Cause of small bowel stricture
- Small Intestine
- External
- Small Intestine
- Femoral
- Small Intestine
- Missed
- Small Intestine
- Internal
- Small Intestine
- Foramen of Winslow
- Common or Rare
- Laparoscopic Port Site
- Abdominal CT in intestinal
- Missed
- Unecessary Laparotomy
- Examination
- Obturator
- Common or Rare
- Pressure necrosis of bowel at neck
- Simple and Complicated
- Spigelian
- Definition
- Abdominal CT in intestinal
- Hind-gut
- The hind-gut
- Arterial supply
- The hind-gut
- Pain Location
- The hind-gut
- Hirsprung's disease
- Differential of constipation
- Ileocaecal valve
- Closed loop obstruction
- Ileus
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Cause
- Drugs
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Metabolic derangement
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Post operative
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Treatment
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Intussusception
- Combination of Lumen, Wall
- Law of LaPlace
- Closed loop obstruction
- Mesenteric Ischaemia
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Mid-gut
- The mid-gut
- Arterial Supply
- The mid-gut
- Pain Location
- The mid-gut
- Myocardial Infarction
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Normal Saline
- What is the fluid
- Obstruction
- Acute
- Definition
- Associated Symptoms
- Presenting Complaint
- Cardinal Symptoms
- Presenting Complaint
- Casuses
- Intussusception
- Small Intestine
- Cause
- What is the cause
- Causes
- Causes of Intestinal Obstruction
- Adherence to Tumor
- Small Intestine
- Adhesions
- Outside
| Small Intestine
- Anastomotic Stricture
- Wall
- Beezoar
- Lumen
- Caecal Volvulus
- Large Intestine
- Colorectal Cancer
- Large Intestine
- Crohn's Stricture
- Wall
- Femoral Hernia
- Small Intestine
- Foreign Body
- Lumen
- Gallstone
- Lumen
- Hernia
- Small Intestine
- Intussusception
- Combination of Lumen, Wall
- Ischaemic Stricture
- Wall
- Large Bowel
- Large Intestine
- Pelvic Tumor
- Large Intestine
- Post Radiation Stricture
- Wall
- Sigmoid Volvulus
- Large Intestine
- Small Bowel
- Small Intestine
- Stricture
- Small Intestine
- Tumor
- Small Intestine
- Tumor
- Wall
- Volvulus
- Small Intestine
- Chronic
- Definition
- Clinical Algorith
- Clinical Algorithm
- Closed loop
- Closed loop obstruction
| Open and Closed loops
- Complicated
- Simple and Complicated
- Definition
- Definition
- Differential Diagnosis
- Differential Diagnosis
- Examination
- Examination
- Fluid Deficit
- What is the fluid
- Gallstone
- Lumen
- Investigation
- Investigation
- Level
- What is the level
- Open loop
- Open loop obstruction
| Open and Closed loops
- Pain
- Description
- Presenting Complaint
- Pathophysiology
- Pathophysiology of Intestinal Obstruction
- Rare causes
- Common or Rare
- Simple
- Simple and Complicated
- Sub-acute
- Definition
- Ogilvie
- Sir William Heneage
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Oglivie Syndrome
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Open loop
- Open loop obstruction
| Open and Closed loops
- Pancreatitis
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Pathophysiology
- Pathophysiology of Intestinal Obstruction
- Penicillin Allergy
- Past history
- People
- Hartmann
- Where does the fluid
- Ogilvie
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Perforation
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Pneumonia
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Porphyria
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Preganancy
- Ectopic
- Shoulder Pain
- Referred Pain
- Pregnancy
- As a cause of vomiting
- Differential of vomiting
- Cause of abdominal distension
- Differential of abdominal distension
- Urine test
- Differential of abdominal distension
| Investigation
- Pseudo-obstruction
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Acute colonic
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Role of Plain radiology
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Treatment
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Colonscopic Decompression
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Neostigamine
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Pyelonephritis
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Radiological Interpretation
- Radiology Interpretation
- Recto-Sigmoid Tumor
- Closed loop obstruction
- Rectus Sheath Hematoma
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Retroperitoneal Hematoma
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Shingles
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Sickle cell disease
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Simple Obstruction
- Simple and Complicated
- Small Intestine
- Narrowest part
- Lumen
- Source of fluid
- Where does the fluid
- Source of gas
- Where does the gas
- Stack of Coins
- Distended loops of bowel
- Sub-acute Intestinal Obstruction
- Definition
- Swallowed Foreign Body
- Repeat Offenders
- Lumen
| Lumen
- Syndrome
- Oglivie
- Different types of non-obstruction
- Tabes Dorsalis
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Testicular Torsion
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Torsion appendix epiploica
- Differential of abdominal pain
- Transition Zone
- Distended loops of bowel
- Volvulus
- Definition
- Small Intestine
- Sigmoid
- Ace of Spades appearance on contrast enema
- Contrast enema
- X-Ray Interpretation
- Contrast Enema
- Contrast enema
- CT scanning
- Abdominal CT in intestinal
- Distended loops of bowel
- Distended loops of bowel
- Haustrations
- Distended loops of bowel
- Huge loop and Sigmoid Volvulus
- Distended loops of bowel
- MRI with gadolinium oral
- Stack of Coins
- Distended loops of bowel
- Superiority of CT scanning over Plain radiology
- Abdominal CT in intestinal
- Transition Zone
- Distended loops of bowel
- Valvulae-conniventes
- Distended loops of bowel
Adrian P. Ireland