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Up: Transplantation
Previous: Bibliography
- amyloidosis
- Class-I Molecules
- Abel
- Abel
- Accelerated acute rejection
- Accelerated acute rejection
- Acute rejection
- Acute rejection
- Alloantigen
- Immune response to transplantation
- Allogenic recognition
- Allogenic recognition
- Allograft
- Basic definitions
| Immune response to transplantation
- Amyloid
- Amyloidosis
- Amyloidosis
- Amyloidosis
- Amyloidosis
- Antigen
- alloantigen
- Immune response to transplantation
- xenoantigen
- Immune response to transplantation
- Autograft
- Basic definitions
| Immune response to transplantation
- Azathioprine
- Azathioprine
- Barnard
- Timeline
| Claude Barnard
- Bright
- Timeline
| Richard Bright
- Burnet
- Timeline
| McFarland Burnet
- Calne
- Timeline
| Timeline
| Roy Calne
- Abbreviations
- Carrel
- Timeline
- Carrell
- Alexis Carrell
- Abbreviations
- Cerilli
- G. James Cerilli
- Chromosome
- 15
- Class-I Molecules
- Y
- Minor Histocompatibility Complex
- Chromosome 6
- Inheritence of MHC genes
- Chronic rejection
- Chronic rejection
- Crossover event
- Inheritence of MHC genes
- Cyclosporine
- Cyclosporine
- Discovery
- Roy Calne
- Dameshek
- Timeline
| Dameshek
- Dammin
- Timeline
| Gustav Dammin
| Humans
- Dausset
- Timeline
| Dausset
- Dialysis
- Problems
- Acquired cystic disease
- Acquired cystic disease
- Amyloidosis
- Amyloidosis
- Doherty
- Doherty
- Drugs
- Cyclosporine
- Cyclosporine
- Abbreviations
- First set response
- First and second set
| First and second set
- Acute rejection
- Acute rejection
- Gibson
- Timeline
| William Gibson
- Graft
- Allograft
- Basic definitions
| Immune response to transplantation
- Autograft
- Basic definitions
| Immune response to transplantation
- Definition
- Introduction
- Heterotopic
- Basic definitions
- Isogenic
- Immune response to transplantation
- Isograft
- Basic definitions
| Immune response to transplantation
- Orthotopic
- Basic definitions
- Syngenic
- Immune response to transplantation
- Syngraft
- Immune response to transplantation
- Xenograft
- Basic definitions
| Immune response to transplantation
- Haplotype
- what is
- Inheritence of MHC genes
- Heterotopic
- Basic definitions
- histocompatibility genes
- Genes responsible for rejection
- major histocompatibility complex
- Major Histocompatibility Complex
- minor histocompatibility complex
- Minor Histocompatibility Complex
- Abbreviations
- Holman
- Timeline
| Emile Holman
| Humans
- Hume
- Timeline
| David Hume
| Humans
- Hyperacute rejection
- Hyperacute rejection
- Immune response
- First set
- First and second set
- Acute rejection
- Acute rejection
- Second set
- First and second set
- Hyperacute rejection
- Hyperacute rejection
- Immune response to transplantation
- Immune response to transplantation
- Important Places
- Chicago
- Tom Starzl
- John's Hopkins
- Rowntree
- Peter Bent Bringham Hospital in Boston
- Timeline
| Roy Calne
| Gustav Dammin
| David Hume
| Benjamin Miller
| John Merrill
| Joseph Murray
| George Thorn
| Carl W. Walter
- Tufts University
- Dameshek
| Schwartz
- John's Hopkins
- Turner
- Imuran
- Azathioprine
- Isograft
- Basic definitions
| Immune response to transplantation
- Kolff
- Timeline
| Willem Kolff
- major histocompatibility complex
- Genes responsible for rejection
| Major Histocompatibility Complex
- medawar
- Timeline
| Peter Medawar
| First and second set
- Second set response
- Rabbits
- Merrill
- Timeline
| John Merrill
- Abbreviations
- Class-I
- Class-I Molecules
- Miller
- Benjamin Miller
- minor histocompatibility complex
- Genes responsible for rejection
| Minor Histocompatibility Complex
- Murray
- Joseph Murray
- Nobel prize
- 1996
- Doherty
| Zinkernagel
- Medawar
- Peter Medawar
- Zinkernagel and Doherty
- Doherty
- Orthotopic
- Basic definitions
- Rejection
- Allogenic recognition
- Allogenic recognition
- Immunological basis
- Basis of rejection
- Patterns
- Patterns of rejection
- Accelerated acute
- Accelerated acute rejection
- Acute
- Acute rejection
- Chronic
- Chronic rejection
- Hyperacute
- Hyperacute rejection
- Rowntree
- Rowntree
- Schwartz
- Timeline
| Schwartz
- Second set response
- Rabbits
| First and second set
| First and second set
- Hyperacute rejection
- Hyperacute rejection
- Starzl
- Tom Starzl
- Syngraft
- Immune response to transplantation
- T cell
- origin
- CD4+ T cells (helper)
- Tenets of transplantation immunology
- Tenets of transplantation immunology
- Thorn
- Timeline
| George Thorn
| Humans
- Turner
- Turner
- Walter
- Timeline
| Carl W. Walter
- Xenoantigen
- Immune response to transplantation
- Xenograft
- Basic definitions
| Immune response to transplantation
- Y chromosome
- Minor Histocompatibility Complex
- Zinkernagel
- Zinkernagel
Adrian P. Ireland