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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm repair

  1. History and examination

  2. ECG and CXR

  3. Duplex of aorta, CT abdomen +/- fem angio

  4. Bloods FBC, U&E, GXM for 10 units, Coag screen, LFT and ABG

  5. Cardio-respiratory assessment
    Cardiology consult
    Have ECG, CXR, +/- ECHO and Holter, cardiac medications and cardiac enzyme profile available at the time of consult. However, do not arrange a MUGA scan the day before theater as patient will be radioactive ie. no MUGA $<$24 hours preop
    Pulmonary consult
    Pulmonary function tests to check lung function, gas transfer. CXR, +/- ABGavailable on the ward

  6. Inform patient and family of risks, recording these on consent form and notes, see 11.1.3.

  7. Pre and post operative chest physiotherapy

  8. Inform ICU of necessity to have a bed available after theater

  9. May need Optimization with ACEI / Ventolin/Atrovent nebulisers.

Adrian P. Ireland