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Consent:Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Operation to repair the widened (aneurysmal) main arterial blood vessel in the tummy; After the operation;

Do nothing
Risk of rupture of the aneurysm is dependent on the size, the larger the aneurysm the greater the risk of rupture. The surgeon usually recommends operation when the risk to the patient is greater without surgery than with it

Endovascular stent
A new experimental procedure to repair the aneurysm by placing a lined expandable cage into the aneurysm from the inside. The device is introduced from the groin and opened when in the correct location. There is a trade off between quicker recovery against increased problems in the longer term related to the device requiring re-interventions and close out patient follow up with repeated scans.

Risk factor reduction
At the moment there are no drugs in use that reduce the risk of expansion or rupture of aneurysms. However it has been shown that obstructive airways disease, smoking and high blood pressure increase the risk of aneurysmal rupture; it therefore makes sense that patients should stop smoking, have their blood pressure controlled and have their chest problems treated.

Attend hospital urgently when symptomatic
Some patients may not wish to have surgery until the aneurysm gives trouble. It is estimated that about 50% of people with a ruptured aneurysm survive to reach hospital. Of those that reach hospital survival is about 50%, overall about 20% of people who suffer a ruptured aneurysm will survive.



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Adrian P. Ireland