Next: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm repair
Up: Vascular Surgery
Previous: Femoral angiograms, work-up
- History and examination
- Non Invasive Vascular lab. ABIs, segmental pressures, toe pressures in
all diabetics and also a duplex scan with marking of ipsilateral (or
contralateral) veins if using a vein graft
- Bloods FBC, U&E, Coag screen, GXM (have 2-4 units available), Risk
factors, fasting glucose and lipids
- ECG and CXR
- Femoral angiogram, +/- old angios. These must be available the morning
of theater and go to theater with patient
- Inform & consent - ensure the correct side is mentioned on the consent
& notes, see 11.1.2
- Mark side of operation, and initial mark, see 14.3.
- Significant cardio respiratory risks - consult preop
- Postoperative- antibiotics and anticoagulation as per post-op note. Check
Doppler monitoring on ward. ABI on day 2 or 3. Antibiotics should not continue
for more than 2 doses unless there is evidence of infection or contamination
at procedure
- Physiotherapy and OT to be consulted. For amputation, social worker,
occupational therapy and physiotherapy consult. Dr. Donegan consult for
rehabilitation and limb fitting.
These should be sent preop!
Next: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm repair
Up: Vascular Surgery
Previous: Femoral angiograms, work-up
Adrian P. Ireland