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List of Figures

  1. Mendelian inheritance of HLA alleles
  2. Shematic of MHC-class-I molecule
  3. Shematic of MHC-class-II molecule
  4. Schematic model of the immune response
  5. Schematic model of thymocyte maturation to T cell
  6. Method of renal replacement therpay in germany [RFPH02]
  7. Rate of cadaveric and living related renal transplantation in europe
  8. Patient and graft survival in a group of more than 40,000 first kidney transplant recipients transplanted between October 1987 and December 1992 and reported to the United Network for Organ Sharing as of June 1995
  9. Kaplan Meier 1 year end stage renal disease patient survival by modality and year of incidence or transplantation from 1980 to 1990. Starting at day 91 following certification for end-stage renal disease for dialysis patients and censored at first transplant, and at the day of transplant for transplanted patients. Adjusted for age, race, gender, and diagnosis. [AE95]


This short chapter gives a quick overview of transplantation.

Adrian P. Ireland