Biliary System

Last updated (28 October 2003)

Painful gallstones Click on the image to download a larger version
What is this scan?
Improve your X-Ray reading skills

The answer

Read the information typed on the scan

The scan was taken on in 2002 and the patients date of birth is recorded as 1933. Therefore the scan was taken on a 68 year old patient. The name of the patient has been touched out of the image but will often be there if you are shown an image in an exam.

While you are studying the image you could say;

This image is taken from Mr/Mrs John/Joan Smith, a 68 year old male/female

What type of scan is this?

The scan was performed with intravenous and oral contrast, note the contrast enhancement of the intestines and the high signal intesity over the major blood vessels and from the kidneys. This type of scan is termed `dynamic'.

The student may say

This is a dynamic abdominal CT scan taken on the 4-Jul-2002 on Mr Joe Smith a 68 year old gentleman

Adrian P. Ireland