Next: Initial incision
Up: Multi organ retrieval
Previous: Multi organ retrieval
- Veintilated donor is transferred to theatre
- Identification of donor and checking of consent
- NG irrigation with amphoteracin (if pancreas to be taken)
- Incision from suprasternal notch to pubic symphysis
- Sternum divided with Gigli saw
- Division of falciform ligament
- Inspection of abdomen for tumors, etc
- Inspection of the organs for donation
- Ureters are isolated and kidneys mobilised
- Aorta isolated and the coeliac axis and superior mesenteric artery
disseted free
- The venous systems are isolated
- The great vessels in the chest are isolated
- William Harvey cannula placed in aorta, above the bifurcation
- Cannula placed into the superior mesenteric vein or inferior mesenteric
vein, if the liver team wish this
- Site for venting of IVC chosen, either cut IVC in chest or place vent
tube in abdominal IVC
- Clamp placed across aorta in the chest and /or clamp placed across aorta at the level of the diaphragm
- Aortic perfusion commenced to cool liver and kidneys with UW solution
(University of Wisconsin)
- Heart is perfused with cardiopleg solution
- Ventilation is ceased
- Heart/Heart lungs retrieved
- Liver retrieval
- Pancreas retrieval
- Kidney retreival en bloc
- Arterial and venous conduits
- Lymphocyte sources for tissue typing, spleen and lymph nodes
Next: Initial incision
Up: Multi organ retrieval
Previous: Multi organ retrieval
Adrian P. Ireland