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Blood ordering schedule

You will notice that some operations require a definite amount of blood to be cross-matched pre-operatively, whereas others have been classified on a group and hold basis. Blood sent on a group and hold basis will be reserved by the laboratory and on notification from theater that blood is required, cross-matched blood will be available in 30 minutes.

Blood samples can be stored for cross-matching for up to 2 weeks

If in doubt about whether blood is needed or not, and/or how much ASK

Procedure Units
Cholecystectomy G&H
Haemorrhoidectomy G&H
Splenectomy G&H
Exploratory Laparotomy G&H
Fundoplication G&H
Thyroidectomy G&H
Colostomy closure/revision G&H
Vagotomy/pyloroplasty G&H
Mastectomy G&H
Parathyroidectomy G&H
Carotid endarterectomy G&H
Angiogram/Angioplasty G&H
Gastrectomy 2 units
Total colectomy 2 units
Partial colectomy 2 units
Esophagectomy 4 units
AP resection 4 units
Pancreatic resection 4 units
Liver resection 6 units
Elective/Emergency AAA 6/10 units
Lower limb bypass 2 units
Vascular re-operation of limbs 4 units
False aneurysm of groin 4 units

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Adrian P. Ireland