Next: Hyperkalaemia
Up: Medical problems in surgical
Previous: Chest Pain
- Causes
- Acute exacerbation COAD
- Acute asthmatic attack
- Severe pneumonia
- Pulmonary oedema especially in patient with poor reserve
- Neuromuscular disease
- Drug induced
- Clinical features
- General appearance- cyanosis, tachypnoea, distress
- Restlessness, confusion, ultimately coma
- Flapping tremor, bounding pulse, chemosis, headaches
- Management
- Investigation and treatment hand in hand
- Give O
, treat infection, cardiac failure etc.
- Bronchodilators and physiotherapy
- Do CXR, FBC, U&E, ABG, PEFR, ECG, sputum and blood
culture where needed
- Patient may require intensive care with the use of respiratory
stimulants and assisted ventilation
Adrian P. Ireland