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Monitoring of patients on TPN

Monitoring Suggested Initial Frequency2
Clinical Monitoring
Patient examination temp,pulse,RR daily
Bloop Pressure 4 hourly
Ward urine analysis daily
Fluid balance daily
Nutrient intake daily
Body weight weekly
Laboratory monitoring
Full Blood Count daily
Prothrombin time 2 x weekly
Folate and B \ensuremath{_{12}} as clinically indicated
Iron, transferrin, ferritin as clinically indicated
Blood urea and electrolytes, creatinine daily
Glucose daily or as indicated
Calcium, phosphate 3 x weekly
Liver function tests 2 x weekly
Magnesium, zinc, copper weekly
Acid Base measurement as clinically indicated
Urine-urea & electrolytes, creatinine (24 hour collection) as indicated
Other fluids-electrolytes (timed collection) as indicated
Bacteriology-parenteral catheter, skin puncture site as indicated
Blood Culture as indicated
Catheter tip culture on removal

Nutritional requirements for average 70 kg adult

Note- TPN bags supplied in this hospital does not contain vitamins. Vitamin preparations e.g. Cernevit must be prescribed separately and administered daily through a central or peripheral line. The recommended method of infusion is in 100mls of normal saline over one hour.

The specific type of nutrition (TPN or jejunal feed etc) is not often available in short notice. Doctor in charge must be responsible for nutrition of their patient with the help of the dietician, they must ensure that nutrition is commenced at weekends when dietician is not available.

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Adrian P. Ireland