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Dietetic referrals to - Carmel O'Hanlon - Bleep 293 (Vascular patients)
The following patients should be referred to Dietitian
- patients for TPN or for tube feeding
- All Diabetics
- Malnourished patients
- Severe acute pancreatitis patients, all chronic pancreatitis patients
- Cholecystitis patients
conservative management
- Dysphagic patients e.g. pre-esophagectomy patients
- Obese patients with PVD
- Hypercholesterolaemic patients 70 years of age
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Radiation enteritis
- Enterocutaneous fistula - high output
- Major surgery where GI tract is expected to be unusable for 5-7 days
Consider enteral feeding where possible (e.g. nasogastric, PEG, jejunal).
Parental nutrition may be used as supplement if necessary. If the Gut works -
use it!!
Adrian P. Ireland