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Surgery in the Diabetic Patient

A Glucose/Potassium/Insulin infusion is used in insulin-dependent diabetes and for major surgery in non-insulin-dependent diabetics. NIDDM having minor surgery DO NOT need insulin (Obviously these patients would only undergo surgery if their diabetes is under control)

Fast overnight. Operated on early in the morning, if possible.


Patient $>$ 90 kg should receive 15 IU Actrapid instead of 10 IU as initial infusion dose

Post surgery, keep above infusion and check capillary glucose 1 hr and 2 hr postop and then if sugars stable, 4 hourly.

As soon as the patient can eat, usual insulin or oral medication should be resumed. If patient is not eating adequately, reduce insulins (short and intermediate acting) by 4 units each or reduce diabetic tablets by 1/2.

Do not go from above regime to sliding scale, there is no need.

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Adrian P. Ireland