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Recommended duration of treatment

Daily 6 hour infusions should continue until it is clinically appropriate to stop From experience with Iloprost, the following is an appropriate treatment guide

Disease No. of days of infusion (6 hours per day)
Raynaud's syndrome 3-5
Severe Raynaud's syndrome (with digital ulcers) 5-7
Ischaemic rest pain (without necrosis/ulceration) Diabetic/non diabetic 14-21
Ischaemic ulceration Diabetic/non diabetic 21-28
Following amputation for ischaemia 14-21
Buerger's disease (with or without ulceration) 21-28

Infusions can be continued beyond these recommendations if thought beneficial.

500ml Infusion Fluid

Flow Rates for 0.1 millegrammes Iloprost in 500ml infusion fluid
	Weight (kg)	40	45	50	55	60	65	70	75	80	85	90
	Dose Iloprost	ng/kg/min			Flow	rates	ml/hr					
	10.0	120	135	150	165	180	195	210	225	240	255	270
	7.5	90	101	113	124	135	146	158	169	180	191	203
	5.0	60	68	75	83	90	98	105	113	120	128	135
	4.5	54	61	68	77	81	88	95	101	108	115	122
	4.0	48	54	60	66	72	78	84	90	96	102	108
	3.5	42	47	53	58	63	68	74	79	84	89	95
	3.0	36	41	45	50	54	59	63	68	72	77	81
	2.5	30	34	38	41	45	49	53	56	60	64	68
	2.0	24	27	30	33	36	39	42	45	48	51	54
	1.5	18	20	23	25	27	29	32	34	36	38	41
	1.0	12	14	15	17	18	20	21	23	24	26	27
	0.5	6	7	8	8	9	10	11	11	12	13	14

Adrian P. Ireland