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S. P. Balasubramanian.
Randomized clinical study of gastrografin administration in patients with adhesive small bowel obstruction [letter].
Br J Surg, 90(8):1022, August 2003.

S. Biondo, Pares. D., Mora J., J. M. Rague, E. Kreisler, and E. Jaurrieta.
Randomized clinical study of gastrografin administration in patients with adhesive small bowel obstruction.
Br J Surg, 90(5):542-546, May 2003.

R. B. Chintamani.
Randomized clinical study of gastrografin administration in patients with adhesive small bowel obstruction [letter].
Br J Surg, 90(9):1165, September 2003.

Adrian P. Ireland 2004-01-11