0.9 2004-01-26 18:49 Change from ReadMe to VERSION.txt Convert to hem format Added 6 up slide output at requset of Line Hagen 0.8 2004-01-19 Took out Ogilive as a footnote and put him in fam.tex Link to fam.tex using the \externallabels command Needto: ~~~~~~~ - Create obs_gallery Gallery of images with annonations a la Image Book of obstructions - Create obs_points.tex Short notes format for obstruction article - Rename obs.tex to obs_long.tex To indicate clearly that this is the long winded article obs.tex ======= Revise and improve Nice to emphasise some words so they are easily seen (bold) best. Put in a few graphics, or links to gallery of ImageBook. Maybe a few more references Incorporate links to the ImageBook 0.7 2004-01-18 Entered section on Ogilvie as a footnote Needto: ~~~~~~~ - Create obs_gallery Gallery of images with annonations a la Image Book of obstructions - Create obs_points.tex Short notes format for obstruction article - Rename obs.tex to obs_long.tex To indicate clearly that this is the long winded article - Take out section on Ogilvie and start a new book on Medical people. Link to Ogilvie and others there. obs.tex ======= Revise and improve Nice to emphasise some words so they are easily seen (bold) best. Put in a few graphics, or links to gallery of ImageBook. Maybe a few more references Incorporate links to the ImageBook 0.6 2004-01-16 Entered new images in obstruction.tex to explain the concept of Open and Closed loops. Needto: ~~~~~~~ - Create obs_gallery Gallery of images with annonations a la Image Book of obstructions - Create obs_points.tex Short notes format for obstruction article - Rename obs.tex to obs_long.tex To indicate clearly that this is the long winded article obs.tex ======= Revise and improve Nice to emphasise some words so they are easily seen (bold) best. Put in a few graphics, or links to gallery of ImageBook. Maybe a few more references Incorporate links to the ImageBook 0.5 2004-01-12 Finished the index on obs.tex, lecture handout and webpage. Needto: Revise and improve Nice to emphasise some words so they are easily seen (bold) best. Put in a few graphics, or links to gallery of ImageBook. Maybe a few more references Incorporate links to the ImageBook 0.4 2004-01-11 Finished first major draft of obs.tex, lecture handout and webpage Needto: Revise and improve Enter index enteries Put in a few graphics Maybe a few more references Incorporate links to the ImageBook 0.3 2004-01-09 Commenced obs.tex, lecture handout and for webpage. Entered text down to Causes of Obstruction in the Lumen of the bowel. Needto: Complete lecture 0.2 2004-01-07 Added more slides looking more comprehensive now. Scheme to label the images with my name Put jpegs in directory jpeg.orig Edit them there for scaling and touching up. Copy them from there into directory jpeg Run moggy script on them there as $ ./moggy jpeg/file.jpg Moggy will use the adrian.png label to mogrify the images The images are all scaled well on the final pdf Needto: Work on the html format for the website using latex2html. This can link into the html on fluids and electrolytes for the assessment of hydration and the fluid prescription. 0.1 2004-01-06 Initial revision % vim: set ai tw=78: