0.5 2004-Mar-10 16:26 Another image on anatomy Shutter mechanism Pain post hernia repair Link to Adrian van der Spieghel 0.4 2004-Mar-09 08:46 Spelling errors in her_text.tex corrected 0.3 2004-Mar-08 22:39 Initial revision of her_text.tex for html output Introduction History Start of Anatomy 0.3 2004-03-08 Finished lecture pdf Data on - antibiotics - Mesh vs no mesh - Laparoscopic vs open - Persistant pain 0.2 2004-03-05 pdf version started 8 slides entered Images for repair of inguinal hernia added Images for repair of femoral hernia added Images for description of hernia and anatomy added 0.1 2004-03-01 Initial outline % vim: set ai ts=4 tw=78: