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- 2250 BC, Treatment of haemorrhoids in Babylon
- 400 BC, Hippocrates (460-337 BC) described treatment of
haemorrhoids in his book on haemorrhoids
- Galen (a.d. 131-201) reqarded bleeding as therapeutic "blood
- John of Arderne (a.d. 1306-1390) used the term "piles" in his
- In 1869 injection treatment was used by Morgan (Dublin).
- In 1937 Milligan describes the open Milligan-Morgan
- In 1952, Ferguson in the States describes closed hemorrhoidectomy
- Rubber banding treatment was introduced by Barron (Detroit) in
- In 1998, Longo introduced the stapling procedure
Hippocrates (460-337 B.C.) wrote a book on haemorrhoids about 400 B.C.
Figure 2:
Hippocrates; the father of medicine
Having on the preceding day first purged the man with medicine, on the day of
the operation apply the cautery. Having laid him on his back, and placed a
pillow below the breech, force out the anus as much as possible with the
fingers, and make the irons red-hot, and burn the pile until it be dried up,
and so as that no part may be left behind. And burn so as to leave none of the
hemorrhoids unburnt, for you should burn them all up. You will recognize the
hemorrhoids without difficulty, for they project on the inside of the gut like
dark-colored grapes, and when the anus is forced out they spurt blood. When
the cautery is applied the patient's head and hands should be held so that he
may not stir, but he himself should cry out, for this will make the rectum
project the more.
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Adrian P. Ireland