Image shastri01

Last updated (28 October 2003).

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This is a plain abdominal film. It looks a bit unusual because it is the scout film taken at the time of an abdominal CT. They label saying dynamic at the bottom is a definite give away. The top of the image corresponds to the patients head. The bottom of the image corresponds to the patients feet. The left part of the image corresponds to the patients left hand side.


The patient appears overweight, note the substantial fat.

There are numerous gas filled intestinal loops visible in the middle of the abdomen.

The gas pattern in the intestine indicates that the patient is lying rather than standing.

There is an abnormal gas pattern visible over the liver.

There are two metallic objects visible around the anterir superior iliac spines, these are most likely ECG dots (connectors for attaching ECG leads)

Tubing is visible in the right lower part of the image, this most likely represents the tubing for a urinary drainage bag.

Adrian P. Ireland