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American College of Chest Physicians-Society of Critical Care Medicine Consensus Conference.
Definitions for sepsis and organ failure and guidelines for the use of innovative therapies in sepsis.
Crit Care Med, 20:864-75, 1992.

T. G. Buchman.
file:/home/adrian/documents/texstuff/bibs/papers/1994/buchman1994/buchman1994.dvi Manipulation of stress gene expression: A novel therapy for the treatment of sepsis.
Crit Care Med, 22(6):901-3, June 1994.

M. S. Rangel-Frausto, D. Pettet, M. Costigan, T. Hwang, C. S. Davis, and R. P. Wenzel.
The natural history of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). A prospective study.
JAMA, 273:117-23, 1995.

Adrian P. Ireland