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Figure 2: Schematic representation of the molecular structure of Selectins. On the amino terminal there is a Lectin like domain. There is also an epidermal growth factor like domain and 2-9 consesus repeats as are found in complement regulatory proteins.
\begin{figure}\par\centering\par \includegraphics{selectin}
\index{Selectin!Molecular structure}\par\end{figure}

The selectin family has three members expressed on the surface of leukocytes and activated endothelial cells. The selectins have a lectin domain at the NH$_2$ terminus, an epidermal growth factor-like domain, and a series of two to nine short consensus reports similar to complement regulatory proteins [Spr94,BBF$^+$91,BN93]. A major ligand for the endothelial cell associated selectins is thought to be the carbohydrate derivative, sialyated Lewis x [SL91]. Each of the three selectins can mediate leukocyte rolling given the appropriate conditions [Kan96].


Adrian P. Ireland