SPEDA S- Situation P- Priority E- Evidence D- Diagnosis A- Action Example - S- Child with Diarrhoea P- Rehydration E- History and examination D- Gastroenteritis A- Treat infection as appropriate
``Careless in small things, goes onto big things''
``Attention to trifles gives perfection and perfection is no trifle'' Leonardo Da Vinci
``Beware of the therapeutic test''
``Get help Ethos, I can handle it ...'' - do not hesitate to seek help when needed
Investigations - 3 points - Do it! - Get results and react! - Communicates up line!
``It's always worse than you think''
In the accident and emergency department, decision to admit is based on clinical condition and not blood tests usually. CXR, PFA, U&E, COAG and LFT are often not indicated in young patient with clinical picture of appendicitis.