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Molecular Microbiology

Figure 1: Recognition of pathogens by the PRR. Various pathognes express PAMP which are recognised by PRR. This results in elaboration of IL-1 and TNF- \ensuremath{\alpha} by the immune cell.
\begin{figure}\centering \includegraphics{prrsignaling}

Micro-organisms show pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP) which are recognised by pathogen recognition receptors (PRR) in the host. An important recent discovery is that binding of lipo-polysaccharide or peptidoglycan to toll like receptors results in expression of cytokines such as inter-leukin one (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF- \ensuremath{\alpha}).

Organism PAMP PRR
Bacteria Unmethylated CpG dinucleotides in bacterial DNA  
Gram negative bacilli LPS TLR4
Mycobacteria Glycolipids  
Gram positive bacteria Peptidoglycans TLR2
Gram positive bacteria Lipotechoic acids TLR
Fungi Mannans  
Viri Double stranded RNA  

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Adrian P. Ireland